Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Blows

I know the last time I wrote I was bitching about the snow. That was 2 storms ago. snowed again over the weekend but there are nothing but blue skies today and a lot of melted snow and mud. That environment has its own challenges I admit but I feel like the weather is heading in the right direction.
So in the snow storm Ron and I walked the entire downtown Moab area passing out my new fliers that are a lovely shade of purple I might add. The bottom third of my jeans were soaked but my feet were dry in my new Keens. I foot (that has bothered me for 6 years) was really whining (or that might've been me). The rest of the day was spent at home in my little room watching the second half of the Superbowl. I was pulling for the Colts (I know, I know all you Saints fans but I love Peyton Manning) so was so happy to see they were leading. I might've known as soon as I tuned in they fall a part. I use to do that to David's golf game as well so no surprise there. Congratulations to the Saints. My end of the bet I made is pretty easy to pay back so I'm ok.

This morning I went to the bone doctor and I can push back surgery a while but in the meantime he gave me a cortisone shot. First off OWWWWW!!!! I had no idea it would be so unpleasant. Then the numbness set in. But it was a weird numbness like just half of my middle toe was numb so I was kind of weirded out and am still trying to deal.

I rained dogs today as well. Thats always fun especially when they are puppies.

So not much exciting to talk about but I'm sure something will happen that I will be writing about in the future

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